FEES & General Information

PAYMENT CLASSES FOR MRRC (due annually in October)

Individual Membership 

$110 per year * (October 1 - Sep 30)

Includes access to club boatshed at any time.

The club is not attended by committee members at any set times, although they are often on site. Therefore, members are provided with the code for the key safe via email on clearance of funds.

Members have access to kayaks and SUPs at any time; access to sculls and rowing boats are limited to members that have been approved as competent by the Boat Captains.

Members are permitted to bring non-members as guests under the proviso that they understand that non-members are not covered by member's insurance, they are signed in and that they as members, are fully responsible for the use of equipment by those visitors. (Members who provide the key safe code to non-members stand to have their memberships revoked without refund).

Junior Membership 

$60 per year* (Oct 1 - Sep 30)

The MRRC has introduced a new junior membership category for children aged 14 - 17, available from January 2023. Any child in this age bracket who wants to use the facilities must have a valid junior membership as of January 2023. The new junior membership is $60 annually which includes a mandatory $10 fee to Rowing WA.

Children under the age of 14 are welcome to use the club but must always be under the supervision of an adult member of the club and must be signed in a guest in the book each time.







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